New Clients​

What new clients can expect

Whether coming for Psychedelic therapy or Psychology or rTMS,  your journey starts with scheduling a Discovery Call so our interdisciplinary team can review and assess your medical and mental health history. Maybe your doctor has already referred you, but if not, you can still contact us and we will get you started. 

We focus on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature and the rigor of science in concentrating our communities’ energy to support, engage, and bring quality alternatives to our members. The healthier our minds and bodies are, the healthier our communities will grow.

Considerations when exploring Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy (PaT)

These questions outline the determining factors in your approval for treatment.

  • Are you willing to be an active member in your healing process?

Psychedelic substances are used as a therapeutic tool to help clients open their minds and access their inner healer. Psychotherapy is combined with the substance to optimize and sustain your healing journey. Active engagement and participation in preparation, during integration therapy sessions and throughout your treatment is important, as this is how you will process your experience, be aware of learning opportunities, and take active steps to make meaningful, lasting changes in your life. 

  • Are you comfortable with being uncomfortable?

Psychedelic substances can be a powerful catalyst to support your therapy and the healing process, however, there is a certain degree of vulnerability that comes with letting go, surrendering to the experience and trusting in the process. Often challenging memories, thoughts or feelings that were previously buried resurface. Your readiness for change and willingness to allow the process to unfold are important factors in your healing.

  • Do you have internal supports?

Internal supports are your inner strengths and self-care practices that help you to feel calm, safe, and strong. Some examples of internal resources include mindfulness, meditation, hope, gratitude, patience, and spirituality. It is important to distinguish self care practices from coping or avoidance mechanisms that impede the healing process. These coping mechanisms might appear as substance use, excessive screen time, binge eating or burying yourself in work. These behaviours may temporarily soothe the discomfort of emotions but may block your ability to process what your inner healing has brought to the surface.

  • Do you have external supports?

PaT requires active participation, and this may mean you need to draw on some external resources, such as a designated support person to bring you to and from psychedelic sessions, friends and family who can support you with understanding, or assist you with childcare. If your current living situation feels chaotic, this can negatively impact your healing experience so it is important that you spend some time to address this so you can be set up for success.

  • Do you have conditions that may contraindicate PaT?

A member of our healthcare team will meet with you to assess your eligibility for PaT. The following conditions are not a good fit due to the potential for psychedelic substances to trigger or enhance psychotic episodes, increase blood pressure, or interact with other substances in a harmful way. Some of these conditions can also block the important effects of the psychedelic substance:

  • Active substance abuse
  • Active suicidal ideation
  • Psychosis or schizophrenia
  • Poorly or uncontrolled hypertension
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • Uncontrolled or undiagnosed seizure disorder
  • Severe cardiovascular disease
  • Intercranial pressure or recent traumatic brain injury
  • Severe liver or kidney disease

Hear about Michelle's Experience with Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Ready to talk to someone who can help?

Cena Life's Cancellation Policy

At Cena Life, we understand that life’s unforeseen circumstances can sometimes affect your scheduling commitments. However, to ensure that we can provide high-quality care and make our services available to as many individuals in need as possible, we request our clients to notify us at least 24 hours in advance if they need to cancel or reschedule their program appointments. This allows us to offer the time slot to another individual who may be waiting for treatment. For appointments cancelled or rescheduled with less than 24 hours’ notice, or for no-shows, a fee will be applied. Your well-being is our top priority, and this policy helps us ensure that all our clients receive the care and attention they deserve. 

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us serve our community effectively.