Integration Circles

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Journey

Post-Treatment Integration Circles

Have you recently undergone Psychedelic assisted therapy treatment and are wondering what’s next on your path to healing and growth? Our Post treatment Integration Circle is designed to support you as you navigate the transformative experiences and insights gained during your therapy. This is a space where your journey continues, surrounded by a community that understands. Your journey doesn’t end with treatment; it’s just beginning. Let’s navigate this path together, transforming insights into lasting change. Join our Post treatment Integration Circle today and take the next step in your journey toward healing.

Why it Matters

Integration is the key to unlocking the lasting benefits of Psychedelic assisted therapy. It’s about making sense of your experiences, applying insights to your life, and fostering personal growth. Our circle offers a structured, supportive environment where you can share, learn, and grow alongside others on similar paths.

Whether you’re seeking to deepen your understanding of your experiences, looking for ways to maintain the momentum of your healing, or simply wishing to connect with others who have walked a similar path, our Integration Circle is here for you. Together, we can turn insights into action and challenges into growth.

How it Works

These group sessions will be led once a week by our Lead Psychologist, Priya Bains, alongside 1-2 co-facilitators.

The group is structured to provide a safe and confidential space to explore your treatment experiences. You’ll have an opportunity to share your journey, listen to others, and discover common threads in a non-judgmental setting.

This is a chance for you to learn and practice effective strategies for integrating your  experiences into your daily life.

The Process

As we open the circle, we ask that everyone introduce themselves to the extent that they feel comfortable.

We lead an opening meditation or mindfulness exercise to center the group and foster a sense of presence and connection.

You will be guided through a series of invitations for participants to share their experiences with treatment. The focus of individual sharing is on subjective experiences, insights gained, challenges faced, and any shifts in perspective or well-being. We will provide prompts or themes to guide you, if needed (e.g., changes in mental health symptoms, emotional insights, spiritual experiences).

We’ll open a discussion and exploration of various integration techniques. This might include journaling to capture insights and shifts in understanding, creative expression (art, music) as a tool for processing and expressing experiences, and/or mindfulness practices to maintain connection with insights gained during treatment.

We highly encourage you to develop your own personal integration practices tailored to your individual needs and preferences.

At this point, we have an open forum for you to discuss and reflect on the shared stories and experiences. We will guide the discussion, helping to draw connections between experiences and the process of healing and growth. We hope to encourage exploration of common themes and lessons learned from psychedelic treatment and the integration process.

We’ll be sure to introduce you to additional resources for support outside of the group (e.g., individual therapy, community support groups, online resources).

The importance of a supportive network in maintaining the benefits of psychedelic therapy cannot be overstated, and we want you to have wide access to assistance.

As we close the circle, the group reflects on the session and shares gratitude or insights. We’ll do a closing exercise to ground participants and honor the shared space and experiences (e.g., brief guided meditation, group affirmation).

This is when information on the next session and encourage you to continue personal integration practices.

We will always solicit feedback from our participants on their experience of the group to adapt and improve future sessions, and remind you how to reach out for further support or share additional feedback outside of group sessions.

Designed to support and enhance your post-treatment experience, this program consists of five comprehensive sessions, each lasting two hours.

Scheduled for your convenience in the early evenings during weekdays, it offers a supportive space to reflect, share, and integrate your experiences.

Program Details:

Duration: 5 sessions, each 2 hours long

Schedule: Early evenings, weekdays

Investment: $500 per person
