
Offer unique mental health services at your clinic with our support

Our journey is centered around the power of partnerships, interdisciplinary care, and community support. Collaborative endeavours amplify each partner’s contribution, facilitating a dynamic exchange of expertise that thrives on continuous growth.​

Network, Administrative, and Protocol Support for Partnering Practitioners & Clinics

Our comprehensive service offering aims to establish standardized best practices for psychedelic-assisted therapy across Canada, aligning clinics with anticipated industry regulations on the horizon. Our goal is to position any practitioner or clinic at the forefront of compliance with these forthcoming regulatory mandates nationwide.

Practitioners and clinics can be confident in their preparedness and familiarity with the emerging regulatory landscape that will govern psychedelic therapy practices both across Canada and internationally.

A comprehensive Tip Sheet was co-developed by prescribers, providers, and patients of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy from across Canada and is available through MAPS Canada. This resource offers step-by-step guidance through the PAT application process and what type or nature of feedback to expect from Health Canada, many frequently asked questions.

Cena Life and ATMA Services

Cena Life and ATMA (now ATMA CENA) are working together to connect with and support patients and practitioners on accessing or providing high quality, evidence-based psychedelic-assisted therapy as well as providing necessary administrative resources for the successful delivery of these therapies throughout their journey by our member practitioners and clinics.

Our aim is to support access to the highest safety and efficacy in psychedelic assisted therapy and ensuring alignment with forthcoming regulatory guidelines and clinical standards as they emerge.

