What is tinnitus

Tinnitus is when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. The noise you hear when you have tinnitus isn’t caused by an external sound, and other people usually can’t hear it. Tinnitus is a common problem. It affects about 15% to 20% of people and is especially common in older adults.


Most people who have tinnitus have subjective tinnitus, or tinnitus that only you can hear. The noises of tinnitus may vary in pitch from a low roar to a high squeal, and you may hear it in one or both ears.

Treatment options​

Treatment for Tinnitus can involve a combination of therapies. It’s important to note that tinnitus itself is often a symptom of an underlying condition rather than a standalone medical issue. The use of rTMS for tinnitus is generally considered an investigational treatment, and outcomes for individuals vary. This treatment may not be widely available or covered by insurance.

A woman receiving rTMS, with a doctor positioning a machine near her head.

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)​

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a non-invasive medical treatment that regulatory authorities have approved for the treatment of various neuropsychiatric conditions. This treatment can also reduce the excitability of relevant neurons and neurotransmitter systems in tinnitus. Several studies have found supportive evidence that rTMS is effective in the treatment of chronic tinnitus.